2 Important Video Streaming Service Launch Steps You Should Know About


Video Streaming can act as the Philosophers’ Stone, so to say, when it comes to the development of any business, or company, in today’s times. You know how every industry – from Ecommerce, Entertainment, to Education – is out to utilize the VOD or video streaming technology to the fullest, so as to progress with the times, and also succeed in the ever-toughening competition of garnering the highest ROI.

You, too, are intent on launching your own video streaming or VOD platform, or improving the performance of your existent one – but what are your basic preparations for this purpose?

You need to know the answer to this question most clearly – for you would have to ANSWER this question before the ones you would need for the development, growth, and success of your venture.

1. Know What You Are Launching Your Video Streaming Platform For

Is your Video Streaming Platform being launched for the purpose of:

or are you planning to start a video streaming business based on some new and innovative idea/s?

Being absolutely certain and sure with such basic, and most significant answers can enable you to take the most wise and informed decision/s related to selecting yours from the numerous business models and monetization options that you shall be having before you.

2. Decide Upon Your Target Audience

Identifying your Target Audience is another one of the most basic steps. Let us discuss in some more detail WHY; and also HOW it can be done to the BEST of your interests.

Once you can understand and explain your purpose for launching your video streaming platform and selecting your target audience, every decision you take next will have to simply fall in line with the purpose of your business, and the

  • Interests
  • Habits
  • Expectations
  • Requirements
  • Likes
  • Dislikes

and also the

  • Desires

of your target audience.

An example can explain this further.

Let us imagine that you are planning to come up with a VOD service for kids from 5 to 15 years of age. Let us also imagine that the service should be an SVOD one. Here are some questions that you would need to ask yourself, and answer with ease and certainty, first:

  • What would your Target Audience prefer to watch?

(Consider planning various types of content to suit the interests and requirements of every youngster present in the Target Audience that you have decided upon).

  • What could you present before your viewers that could make your video streaming service stand out, and remain engaging in the company of Netflix, BBC iPlayer, and NowTV Kids?
  • Need the video streaming service be split in a few sub-sets inside the User Interface, considering the extent of the age-groups to be catered to?
  • Which devices could your Target Audience bring into use to access the content?
  • How would your Target Audience navigate the User Interface?

(Would the system of Speech Recognition be a good idea, keeping in mind the tastes of the teenagers in the group?

How about readying a very graphical UI to attract the attention of children?

Using images of the favorite comic / cartoon characters of kids might make the whole idea more interesting for them, and navigation more fun.)

  • How would your Target Audience view the content? By downloading it, or on cellular or Wi-Fi?
  • Need Parental Control be organized? To what degree, if ‘Yes’?

(Would blocks on content with violence, etc. be necessary? Would blocks on changing the settings be needed? Would limits be set on the usage time per day?)

  • What process would you select for the promotion of your content?

(Would you be advertising on other popular channels that are meant for children? Would you make sure that parents get to view your service’s advertisements? Would your video streaming service be advertised on social media?)

Do Note:

This list of what you need to consider is in no way the ultimate, comprehensive one. You need to reflect upon many other factors, too, as you go about launching or improving your video streaming service.

Launching -- or enhancing -- your video streaming service, however, need not be a cause of worry for you. All it needs is the right planning.

You can feel absolutely welcome to contact us at Ascentspark Software for a complimentary consultation, in case you want any doubt-clearance, guidance, or help related to the better development of your VOD / video streaming company.

You can get completely customized video streaming, delivery, distribution, and monetization solutions from us.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Jan 31, 2020

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