Custom Web Applications Development

Intuitive web applications, for a simple but powerful solution to your business needs.

Intelligent use of technology can help businesses gain an advantage over rivals and remain relevant in the current market. Whether you are looking to start a new business from an awesome idea, or looking to give your current business a boost, we can help.

With over 10 years' experience in developing custom web applications, we have worked with clients across many different industry verticals, and helped their businesses grow by increasing productivity and value for customers, and lowering costs via automation and efficient utilization of business resources.

We are always looking for an exciting new opportunity to work with a new business, and push new frontiers, and create awesome solutions. Tell us about your business idea, and let's get started!

We have developed solutions for a wide spectrum of industry verticals

Some of the domains for which we have customized web applications are

Ecommerce Solutions

Invoicing Systems

Inventory management and POS

HR Management and Payroll

Field Management and Personnel Tracking

Searchable Directories with Review

Online Reservation Systems

Google Map and other Location based solutions

Social Networking Solutions

Content Management Systems

Audio/Video Portals

Fantasy Sports and Gaming

Medical Applications

Online Assisted and Self Learning Solutions

Virtual Classrooms