
Flexible pricing options to suit your project

We understand that financial, technical and time feasibility are major factors that are taken into consideration when starting a software project, and so we offer a choice of pricing options to choose from, to suit your business requirements and working constraints.

Dedicated /Semi Dedicated Resources

How it works? A dedicated or developer/team of developers would work on your projects under the guidance of a project manager, for 8 hours a day / 5 days a week. A Semi dedicated developer/team on the other hand, would work on your projects for 4 hours a day / 5 days a week.

Where is it most suitable? Dedicated/semi dedicated resources offer both speed and flexibility in terms of project specifications. Thus, hiring dedicated resource is beneficial when your business requirements are not fixed, but changing and evolving, and the software solution needs to adapt and deliver the results quickly with shorter turn around. Our dedicated resource teams work on Agile software development principles, and focus on responding to requests and changes quickly, allowing you to respond to change of requirements faster. This is often essential for starting businesses which needs to adapt quickly to market requirements to stay competitive.

What type of work is covered? We currently offer web application developers, mobile app developers and web designers under the dedicated resources model.

How is communication/work processed? You can directly communicate with the project manager over Skype/Email/Phone. Additionally, we have a project management portal from where you can manage your project with the help of ticketing system, instant update notifications, wiki, document repository and code repository.

Is there a commitment period? We offer dedicated resources with a very low commitment period, of only 1 month.

  • Flexible
  • Quick turn around
  • Adapts to specification changes
  • Robust softwares with evolving business logic
  • Where quick turnaround is required

How it works? Once you present us with your project requirements, we prepare the project specification document to outline the solution that we are going to provide, and we give you a fixed quotation/timeline to deliver the project according to the agreed specification.

Where is it most suitable? A fixed cost project is suitable if the project requirements are simple, or are quite well defined with little need of modification/adjustment over time period. This pricing model is also suitable when you are looking to develop a simpler proof of concept/lean version of a larger, more complicated application, to check feasibility or market situation. If you have a specific, simple requirement,fixed cost projects are best suited as it will get you the desired result with minimum cost.

What happens if requirements/specifications change? With a fixed cost project, there is less flexibility in changing or adapting project specifications. From a technical standpoint, we are always ready to accomodate any changes you require, but depending on the change, additional development costs and extension of delivery timeline may be necessary.In this case, a seperate quotation for the same will be presented to you for approval.

Generally speaking, the later in the development lifecycle a change is required, the costlier it can be, both in terms of price and time. To avoid this scenario, we always prepare prototypes of the final application before starting development, to give you a clear idea about the final product before we deliver it, so that miscommunication is avoided, and necessary adaptations/changes are detected early and can be accomodated at a lesser cost.


Lean and cheaper production of software with known time of delivery

Well defined software projects with less chance of change in business logic