Frequently Asked Questions

What can we help you with?

Have a burning question? We have answers! Please check out some common questions and their answers in this section. Do you have further questions that are not answered here? Contact us, and we would be happy to help.

Our Services and Strategies

Do you custom design websites or use pre-made templates?

We fully custom design websites. Sometimes we look at example sites suggested by the clients to take inspiration from, but the end product is always a fully custom designed website. We do not sell pre-made templates.

What strategies will you use to generate revenue for my site/app?

Strategy for generation of revenue for your site/app is multi faceted.
We can help improve your overall business process and website/app to provide a better product/service to your customers, while increasing your own efficiency and reach.
To do this, we adopt the following strategies:

  • Analysis of your current business process or idea
  • Identifying areas where automation can be introduced to improve the business process
  • Identify the needs of your customers, and what can be done to improve their experience with your business
  • Identifying bottlenecks in the business process and other areas of improvement
  • Analyze business competitors to identify areas of improvement which can give your business an edge
  • Identifying methods to reach out to more customers

Will you review my current website/app and analyze its performance before making your design decisions?

Absolutely. We will not only review your current website/app, but also your current business process on the whole, to try and understand what your business needs before offering to provide any solutions.
Our focus is on providing you a solution that's tailor made for your business, and so analyzing your current business website/app is one of the most important steps for us.

How much time is expected to be devoted to analyzing my business, market and competitors?

We consider requirement analysis as the most important starting point for any project. The time required to perform the analysis varies greatly from project to project, but we ensure that due time and attention are given to analyzing your business.

What happens if I don’t like the initial design?

We understand that design elements are a matter of personal taste, and what works for one person/demographics, might not work for another. This is why, we collect all the information from you that we can, during the design process itself, including your preferences/views. We combine that with the practicality and business goals to come up with the design.
In case you do not like the initial design, we ask you for your feedback on why you do not like the design, to understand our mistake and correct it.
We offer up to three revisions/ideas of design for the website, but usually most of our clients do not require more than one major design change before we 'get it right'.

Will my website/application be built to expand as my business grows?

Yes. One of the major features of the solutions that we provide is scalability and adaptability. We understand that everybody wants their business to grow, and in order to grow one must respond to the volatile market trends and changing requirements, and you would want your site/application to assist in your growth, rather than be a hindrance. Hence, we always take care to make a solution that can be scaled and adapted according to how your business shapes itself over time.

Can you help me get images for my website?

Absolutely. We can help you procure images for your website. All assets, including images that are used to design your solution, are procured from legal and trustworthy sources. We either buy them on your behalf, or, if you so wish, you may buy them yourself, and we can help you with the process. Either way, you will never ever face an issue with pirated/stolen/illegally procured images/assets being used on your website.

How much input will I have in my website design?

We take your input very seriously when making your website design. After all, it's your business, and you have the most at stake to make it a success. On the flip side, we also ask you to take our input/suggestions while crafting the website (that's what you are paying us for!) to stop your website design from going straight to hell.

Will my website be compatible with smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices?

Yes! All our websites are responsive, and hence compatible with smartphones, tablets, and other devices apart from computers.

Do you build search engine optimization into websites?

We follow SEO best practices when building a website, so that the final site is SEO friendly.
However, while SEO friendly solutions that we make gives your site the technology platform needed to make it search engine friendly, we do not provide search engine optimization service ourselves.
We invite you to hire a professional digital marketing company who can work with us to implement their SEO recommendations on your website.

Do you perform SEO services?

No. While we follow SEO best practices to make your sites, we are not a digital marketing company, and we do not provide SEO services.
However, we will work with any marketing company/personnel you have to implement their SEO recommendations for your website.

What type of content management system do you use?

We have worked with several content management systems, like Wordpress, Drupal, and October to name a few.

Do you offer e-commerce services?

Yes,we do! E-commerce is a broad term used to define any business which sells products/services and accepts payment for them online. With this in mind, we have worked on various ecommerce sites with varied features.

  • Customization/integration of existing e-commerce solutions like Shopify or WooCommerce
  • Completely bespoke e-commerce solutions for special business cases
  • Inventory management supporting procuring and sales
  • Supporting multiple payment gateways, like PayPal,, Stripe and Apple Pay
  • Supporting various shipping and tracking systems like Fedex, UPS, DHL and others
  • Integration with accounting systems like Quickbooks web connector/Intuit Partner Platform
  • POS solution for spot purchase at store
  • Selling customizable products including maintaining customization profile
  • Selling online products including software video
  • Support for subscription, Pay per view and other payment models
  • Purchase/shipping/returns workflow for selling perishable goods like food/flowers

Will I be able to see the website as you’re creating it?

Yes, we will provide periodic demonstrations to you while preparing your website to know your views and collect your feedback during the development process.

How do you ensure that my project is delivered on time?

We follow Agile software development principles, and as per one of the guidelines of agile software development, this is how we break down your project delivery -

  • The business requirements are broken down into required features, called user stories
  • Based on priority, the user stories are combined into development iterations called sprints.
  • Sprints are development iterations which are short (usually one to two weeks in length), and produce a deliverable implementation of a software feature which can be tested and collected feedback on.
  • Sprints allow us to give you many quick and small deliveries -- rather than one large and lengthy delivery -- related to your project
  • We encourage feedback collection from early stages of development, so that the solutions can be adjusted quickly, rather than spending a huge amount of time trying to document a feature to the minutest detail
  • Shorter and more frequent deliveries also help gauge progress more accurately, as the best measurement of progress is in the delivery of a usable product/solution.

Will the functionality of my website be tested before it goes live?

Of course. All solutions are tested by us for various types of defects before the solution is made live.

What will happen if bugs are found after launch?

We perform extensive tests on the final solution before launching to ensure no bugs are found within the system.
Despite our best efforts, if bugs are discovered in the system post-launch, we fix all bugs within the project absolutely free of cost for a period of 6 months after launch.
This does not, however, cover enhancements to existing features, or handling business cases or flows that the software was initially not designed to handle.

Project Management

How will my project be managed?

Your project will be managed by an assigned project manager, who will act as an interface between you and the development team. He will be responsible for understanding your project requirements and translating them into technical specifications and user stories for the development team to work on.
Additionally, you will be given access to our project management tool, where you can submit your requirements, track progress, view files, and give feedback on features completed using the ticketing system.

How do I track the progress of my project and bugs/issues during the lifecycle of the project?

You will be given access to our project management portal when you are working with us; from there you can track all your projects, and perform actions such as raising support tickets, checking bug fix progress and other updates, communicating with the team, etc.

What happens in a large project if one or more team member/s leave/s?

All our project codes are written using uniform conventions following the industry best practices, and documentation for all projects is maintained and kept up to date at all times. Hence, in the case of the unavailability of a team member, s/he can be replaced with another team member to take the project forward.

Do you offer on-going maintenance after my site goes live?

Yes, if you require, we provide ongoing maintenance to your site after it comes to us. Feel free to discuss your requirements regarding this with us, and we would be happy to assist you.

How do you measure the results after the site goes live?

Once we embark on a project, we make sure that we understand the objective of the project that we are working on. The object can be introducing a new product or service, or enhancing an existing one to improve features/ease of use, and attract more customers for the business.
While the general goal is to help your business improve and attract more customers, specific goals differ from project to project and are discussed with the client before starting the project. The results are measured accordingly.

Will I be able to access my website statistics without contacting you?

Yes, you can access all the statistics related to your website from either the project's control panel backend, or from other dashboards as may be relevant to the project. In all cases, we will show you how to access and interpret the statistics on your own -- if you so desire -- without needing our help on a day to day basis.

What is the billing procedure for work outside the project’s initial quote or agreed upon deliverables?

The billing procedure varies depending on which payment model is being followed for your project. For fixed cost projects, this is usually handled by quoting "mini projects" separately. Just ask us, we would help you to set something that's comfortabe for the both of us.

When are you available for technical support?

We are generally available between 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. IST (GMT/UTC +5:30). However, if you need technical support at a different time on a fairly regular basis, we can set it up for you. Just talk to us about it.

Intellectual Properties

What is your policy regarding working with my competitors?

Unless we have an explicit agreement with you otherwise, we reserve the right to work with anyone, including your competitors. However, as a policy, we never share information and business intelligence between clients, apart from generic information that anyone in the relevant industry is aware of. If you are going to share information with us which you want to be kept secret, you may ask us to sign an NDA for the relevant information.

Do you mind signing an NDA before I share my project details with you?

We are open to signing an NDA with you even without getting the project details. We can either sign a standard NDA document with you, or, if you want us to sign a specific version, you may submit it to us for review and approval.

Will I own my website once it’s completed?

Yes, you will own the full copyright of the project work we do for you, including custom software, graphic, mobile app, or any other resource that is created during the development of your project. However, our projects often make use of common third party libraries, or other licensed assets like royalty free images, for which while you will have a valid usage license, you will not hold an exclusive copyright.
If you have any confusion regarding this, feel free to talk to us, and we would help you understand.

Who owns the site’s artwork?

The website's artwork, if designed for you by us, is owned exclusively by you. We will never resell it to anyone else. This, however does not include certain generic artwork which are procured from third party providers at a license, like royalty free images, or licensed icons, and other assets.
If you have any confusion regarding this, feel free to talk to us, and we would help you understand.

Past and Current Projects

Can you mention, as examples, some websites that your company has designed?

Sure, please have a look at our projects here.

Do you have case studies that show the results your solutions provided for other businesses?

Sure! Please contact us and we would be happy to show you our case studies for solutions provided to other businesses similar to yours.

Can you give us references to your past/current clients?

Yes! We have clients who have been working with us for over a decade and would vouch for our quality of work. Please contact us, and we would be happy to share with you references to some of our clients.