Video Streaming App Development Company

Our video streaming and monetizing solutions let you create your own version of "Netflix" easily and painlessly! If you are a media production house, a TV channel looking to make your content delivered via OTT, or a content creator, we have the perfect solution for you.

Video Streaming App Development Company
  • Video Streaming App Development Company

    Video Streaming

    Smooth video streaming via HLS or MPEG-Dash. Automatically generate multi quality from 240p up to 4K resolution from single input with H.264 encoding, and auto switch based on users' speed or preference.

  • Audio Streaming App Development Company

    Audio Streaming

    Crystal clear audio streaming with multiple bitrate streaming audio generation from single input in either MP3 or AAC (M4A) format.

  • Video Streaming App Development Company

    Live Broadcasting

    Live stream sports or events using RTMP or WebRTC with low latency (6-10 seconds) video delivery over CDN with load balancing to handle visitor surge.

Video Streaming App Development Company
  • Amazon FireTV App Development

    Devices Supported

    Publish your content via Website, Android and iOS Apps, Android TV, Fire TV Stick, Apple TV or Roku box with our comprehensive device support.

  • Video Streaming App Development Company

    Monetization Options

    Offer multiple payment options - SVOD (Subscription based), TVOD (Pay per view), AVOD (Advertisement based), with support for payment via Payment Gateways and integration with TelCos.

tv app development companies

Technology Stack

We work in various technologies like

VOD OTT Live Streaming HLS Media Transcoding VAST RTMP Apple TV Android TV Pay Per View Amazon Media Live Elastic Load Balancing Cloudfront CDN
Video Streaming App Development Company

Publish, live stream and monetize videos with ease

Make your videos available on demand, or live stream events or sports via multiple devices to reach a broader audience. Publish your content via Website, Android and iOS Apps, Android TV, Fire TV Stick, Apple TV or Roku box with our comprehensive device support.

We offer multiple monetization options to suit your business needs - make your videos available for free, subscription based, pay per view or ad revenue driven, we have the complete solution.

We use structured data and follow good SEO practices to ensure that your content is easily visible to and readable by search engines.

Along with the software, we also provide full infrastructure support and load balancing. We work with infrastructure from Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Akamai CDN and Wowza server platforms to ensure that the viewing experience is always good and free from glitches.

Video Streaming Apps we developed

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