4 Reasons Why UI UX are Important for Your Mobile Applications


If you are a business owner, looking to build a mobile application, you may have heard of UI UX, and their importance in this context, or you may have not. Either way, we are here to give you some pointers that you would perhaps like to consider for the benefit of your business.

Research has been revealing, through years, that companies focusing deeply on UI and UX yield better financial results. They

  • Retain more customers
  • Reap higher revenues
  • Get positive publicity through word of mouth
  • Have more wallet share

On the other hand, such companies lower their expenses as they experience

  • Less price sensitivity
  • Reduction in acquisition costs
  • Low number of customer complaints
  • Small number of customer service requirements

The above-mentioned are just some of the reasons why it is important to focus on UI UX right at the planning stage of your mobile application.

Moreover, rising from 197 billion in 2017, the number of mobile app download is expected to reach 353 billion in 2021, states a report.

Thus, we see that people are increasingly turning to mobile applications because of their functionality, and their ability to get a job done quickly, and simply.

From connecting us to our work, family, and friends, to booking transport, procuring grocery, finding clothes, homes, occupations, entertainment, hotels, and even grooms and brides for us, mobile applications are performing most of our difficult tasks these days.

What are the primary factors contributing to making these mobile applications thus sought after? They are known as the UI and UX, the importance of which we shall discuss here with you.

UI or User Interface

The User Interface, at a glance, would be all that a user gets to see of your mobile application. This would mean the screens, pages, buttons, and other visual elements with the help of which users get to interact with any mobile app. The UI is designed with the motive of maintaining interactions between the user and the application

  • Enjoyable
  • Effective
  • Easy

The primary objective of the UI is to organize for the user the best interaction with the mobile application.

Any device enabling users to interact with monitors, mobile devices, or screens can be referred to as UI, in the realms of IT.

The mark of a good UI is its screen to screen consistent theme, which builds credibility, and prevent users from getting confused. This consistency would include easy use, uniformity of the layout, animations and graphics.

A good UI alone can increase app sales and, in time, reduce the customer support costs of a company.

UX or User Experience

User Experience means the entire experience that a user gathers while using a particular app. The UI could be counted as a part of the UX, but it is certainly not the only component of the UX. Some concepts involved in the UX are

  • Sequence of actions a user experiences while interacting with the UI
  • Process users go through while finding out the utility of a company’s product
  • Thoughts of a user as s/he tries to get a task done through a certain app
  • Impressions a user forms regarding the overall interaction with the app, and the company it is from

The basic goal of the UX is to give a user the best experience through a system designed within a mobile application.

The mark of a good UX is that the digital product is intuitive, interesting, easy and enjoyable to use, and one of its kind.

A good UX can develop a lasting loyalty between a customer and a company’s product or service. It can also lead customers to interact with the company, give feedback, and suggest improvements.

Factors that Render UI UX Very Important for Your Mobile Application

UI UX can play the most vital role in attracting users to, and keeping them with your mobile application.

The success quotient of an app depends on how easy a user finds it to navigate, and how swift and competent it can prove itself to be, to the user.

There can be hordes of mobile applications doing more or less the same jobs. In order to be on top of a list, an app will have to attract and retain users by

  • The way it presents itself before the user
  • The simplicity and speediness with which it completes its task for the user

UI UX come into play at these junctures.

  1. To Attract The Attention Of A User
    The screen, buttons, pages, and the rest of the visual elements of an app have to attract a user, to begin with. They also need to make the user feel at home with them, believing that they are easy to work with. UI plays a very pivotal role here. It is through the UI that an application introduces itself to a user. UX takes over from hereon, as the user starts exploring and using the app, next. The user is expected to spend a considerable period of time exploring the app, and ultimately feeling satisfied with its model, momentum, and overall performance. This is called the User Experience, which has to be satisfactory for an app to gain
    • Publicity
    • Popularity
    • Progress
  2. To Make A Favorable Impression
    Creating an exceptional impression upon launching a mobile application is the first target of every company doing it, and this is particularly true in the case of small businesses, or startups. Only a flawless UI UX can enable an app to reach this target. Sound mobile applications have a higher usage time, and only a well-designed UI UX can achieve that.
  3. To Attain The Loyalty Of The Customer
    We are aware of apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Candy Crush, etcetera, and the mammoth number of loyal customers they have. UI attracts customers. UX keeps them.
  4. To Get Featured In App Stores
    The number of users in favour of a mobile app decides how popular it is. An app can reach the top of the popularity charts on the basis of the ratings and reviews that it gets from users. A good UI UX is the only element that can enable an app to impress users, get outstanding reviews, and feature in app stores.

You see, the success of a mobile app depends, almost entirely, on how well it draws users, and how quickly it fulfills their requirements and expectations. In total, it is all about the UI UX of an app.

Now, it is a given that every business wants to achieve three basic things:

  • Generate new streams for revenue
  • Enhance the identity of its brand
  • Augment customer engagement

A mobile app designed to help your customers to engage with you, therefore, can help you in these endeavors of yours.

Are you, too, planning to improve the presentation, and interactivity of your mobile application? Are you getting ready to wireframe a mobile app, structuring its elements and components such as to generate the most user-flow? Contact us at Ascentspark for a consultation on UI UX – entirely free of cost.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development on Jun 28, 2019

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