How To Make Audio And Video Conferencing Solutions The Effective Way

You know the importance of Audio and Video Conferencing Solutions, and you also know how important it is to get the job done the right way, for the solution to produce an effect that translates into a satisfactory ROI. Not only just the ROI, of course. An Audio and Video Conferencing Solution ought to be made the effective way in order to serve the purpose for what it is being created.

What does Audio Conferencing mean?

An Audio Conferencing takes place when two – or more – people from different locations make the use of technology such as a conference bridge in order to communicate with each other through an audio call.

Audio conferencing is different from a phone call. In the case of an audio conferencing, the participants do not dial each other’s numbers. They, instead, dial into a central system connecting them.

The aim of audio conferencing is to achieve communication, and collaboration, together. Some audio conferencing products can be available with online collaboration elements such as screen sharing capabilities, so as to augment the value of audio conferences.

Security of Audio Conferencing

Uninvited users need to be kept out of audio conferencing. For this purpose, there can be a special dial-in code, along with the phone number. There can also be conferencing systems that allow individualized audio pins for the identification of specific users, or participants of an audio conference.

Audio Conferencing System Types

There are two types of audio conferencing systems – Point to Point, and Multi Point.

  • Point to Point System – This system enables two individuals at different locations to communicate and collaborate.
  • Multi Point System – This system can make communication and collaboration possible amidst three, or more people, at different places.

Requirements for Audio Conferencing

In order to have an audio conference, all the users must have

  • The conferencing software installed within their phones, or computers
  • The phones or computers used for this purpose should have microphones and speakers
  • There has to be a fast data connection, or internet connection.

Plus Points of Audio Conferencing

Audio conferencing is

  • Easy to set up
  • Not too expensive
  • Well accessible

as compared to Video Conferencing.

Audio conferencing can save time and money, too, that could have been spent on travelling for physical conferences.

An audio conferencing solution can enable the employees of a company to develop a web collaboration session so that customer or company related issues can get resolved quickly.

If there is a good audio conferencing platform in place, many full built out audio or video conference rooms might not be required. There are some audio conferencing platforms which can come with add ons, support various conferencing hosts, and / or exempt the connection costs of special events.

What does Video Conferencing mean?

Video Conferencing involves a real time visual communication session – featuring the transmission of audio and video content -- between two, or more individuals, no matter what their locations are.

Video conferencing can be used for augmenting business efficiency, reducing the travel costs of company staff, as well as customers, and accelerating, as well as optimizing the processes of decision making.

In order to have an effective video conferencing, offices require to have in place a profiling conferencing software, and hardware solutions for

  • PCs
  • Browsers
  • Rooms
  • Mobile Devices

Video Conferencing involves

  • Endpoint that can range from a PC to a Telepresence System
  • Peripherals such as Speakerphone, Microphone, Headset, Webcam, etc.
  • Video Conferencing Server for group video conferencing
  • Software infrastructure like integrations, video processing, content

Video conferencing can enable you to work or study from almost anywhere at all. You can not only have important meetings – across countries, too – over video, but also utilize the advantage of screen sharing, and video recording.

Modes of Video Conferencing

The two major modes for video conferencing are –

  • Point to Point Video Calls – These are video call sessions between two users. Both are provided with collaboration tools such as slide show, text messaging, file transfer, etcetera.
  • Multipoint / Group Video Conferencing – These are video conferencing sessions between more than two users. Group Video Conferencing can have different subtypes, in accordance with the number of participants, requirements, and the number of active speakers taking part in a meeting.

There can also be Symmetric Video Conference, where all the participants are vested with equal rights. It is like a round table conference. In the case of Role Based Video Conference, there are active speakers, and passive listeners. There can also be Video Conferencing For Distance Learning.

There, of course, is Streaming. It is a mode of conference during which a speaker can broadcast a video without hearing or seeing the large audience. Participants can hear and see the speaker alone; feedback is provided through text chat.

Plus Points Of Video Conferencing

Saves Time. An immense amount of time can be saved through video conferencing. You can have a conference with people at various corners of the world at any given time, and at the shortest of notice, without having to wait for hours, or days spent on travel.

Saves Money. A big amount of money can be saved, with video conferencing in place. You can save the money that could have been spent on travelling across cities, states, countries. You can save the money that would have been spent on hotels, stays, event managements, etcetera.

Is Easy. All you have to do is decide upon a video conference, inform the people you need to have involved in it, schedule a time, and start the meeting. The conference software that you have can remind you of the meeting, too. A video conferencing system can have a very user-friendly interface. You need no prior training to be able to use it.

Is Secure. Security risks can be caused, if at all, only by a human factor. Today’s video conferencing systems are developed on the basis of actively using encryptions, specialized codecs, and proprietary protocols.

Has Collaboration Tools. Collaboration Tools can enable many users to brainstorm ideas together, share results, and work on a project jointly. Instant Messaging, Slideshow, and Content and Screen Sharing are some of the Collaboration Tools that can be there.

Is Close To Real Life. Since a video conferencing features visual contact, it seems closer to real life than a phone call. Business interactions can get clearer, as you can see the people you are communicating with in a video conference, establish eye contact, and mark their facial expressions. It is almost like meeting people face to face; and the scope for distractions is negligible, too.

What to Expect from an Audio / Video Conferencing System


Let us talk about what you can expect if you want to create an Audio / Video Conferencing System with VOIP, or WebRTC.

Expect to have solutions that can enable you to create an audio / video calling and messaging system that can operate through desktop, or iOS, or Android applications.

The solution should be able to handle calls through VOIP, or WebRTC, with the use of a SIP server.

There should be the scope for customizing the solution to suit your requirements, and for giving the users a great UX.

VP8/H.264 (as well as VP9/H.265 video codecs on some infrastructure stacks) should be supported for video calls. G722/G729/G711 audio codecs should be supported for audio calls. On request, the system can be customized further, to handle other audio or video codecs.

Users should be provided with faster and easier connection with the use of Open VPN tunneling, even in restricted areas, and server connection blocks should be bypassed by ISP.

For the purpose of the monetization and routing of calls, the solution should also have the ability to be integrated with a backend software, such as SoftSwitch.

A number of Features, like Instant Messaging, and File Sharing, should be parts of the basic expectations.

You are most welcome to get in touch with us for a complimentary consultation, in case you want to know more on the subject of how to make an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution the effective way. You can also have your questions answered, and doubts cleared by us. We would love to hear your ideas, and discuss how they might be turned into grand successes.

Not only can we provide you with all that is there on the list of expectations here, but we can also present you with completely customized solutions related to Audio and Video Conferencing .

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, PHP, Updates, Web Development on Aug 14, 2020

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