What A Solution A Video Streaming App Can Be Today


As all the world today is battling the Corona Virus Pandemic, we are all, in our own ways, seeking solutions to the unusual threat that we are under, and the situation that we are in. It is not just our lives, but also our livelihoods that have been threatened. As most of us are unable to go out of our houses due to the Lockdown at most places, many important aspects of our lives, like

  • Work
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Entertainment
  • Socializing

can be left exposed to the possibility of suffering major losses. Unless we decide to organize solutions for ourselves, that is. 

There ARE solutions, evidently

Most of us are working from home, thanks to the Internet. Education is continuing, even flourishing, in many cases and ways, with the help of E-learning. Physical travel might be out of the question for the maximum number of us at present, but we can ‘virtually visit’ places, yet – and perhaps more places than we could have ever made to, physically. Coming to the sphere of Entertainment, we have always had the television, when we could not visit the theatres. Now, when even the TV cannot always provide us with the freshest of content – what with shootings suspended due to the Lockdown – what are gaining more in utility and prominence are the video streaming apps. 

These same video streaming apps can solve the lack of Socializing situation that there is, at present. In fact, video streaming apps can prove to be worthy solutions for many of the life and livelihood challenges that we are being faced with, currently. The reason we are discussing, here, how you can benefit from the development of a video streaming app, right now.

What Video Streaming Apps are

Video Streaming Apps enable their users to watch videos of a high quality in the apps. They can have videos uploaded to their own channels with the help of these apps, too. Users have the option of giving their comments on individual videos, thereby connecting with one another. 

Video Streaming Apps as well as websites like Netflix, Disney, Google Play, Hulu, Twitch, and so on are extremely popular, and therefore, successful. The reason why more and more entrepreneurs are planning to develop video streaming apps, too. These apps can prove all the more beneficial for the ones behind them, as the world needs the aid of video streaming for most of the things that staying within our houses at present is preventing us from doing our usual way, like

  • Watching a match on the grounds
  • Attending an event at its location
  • Watching a movie in a theatre
  • Participating in a seminar / lecture session / class


No wonder the demand for video streaming apps is burgeoning, now.

Ways Video Streaming Apps can be used

You can utilize a video streaming app in the field of education – especially now that most students and educators are operating from their homes.

You can use video streaming to further your business – especially now that all of us are having to depend upon the Internet, our smartphones, and other devices to accomplish most of our tasks.   

You can make the most of the 4K resolution video with the help of a video streaming app. The quality of video content that a top video streaming app can deliver can be much better than any other media source. Cable TV is unable to reach this level of quality, yet.

You must be aware of the fact that more than 50% of the videos that are watched today are watched on smartphones. A television, or cable television does not have this kind of mobility. As per a report, live video streaming apps traffic is expected to grow by 50+% annually, till years to come, now. With the present Lockdown situation that might continue some more, more and more videos are likely to be watched – resulting in a greater demand for video streaming apps.

Another reason for the increasing utility and popularity of video streaming apps is that with such apps, the user is in control. S/he can choose what to watch, and when – even where – unlike in the case of TV, or cable TV. In case of the cable TV, you can choose a channel, but not always the show. A video streaming app gives you more power, enabling you to get your money’s and time’s worth. No wonder the number of users for such apps is growing constantly.

No wonder, also, that a video streaming app development is considered just the right solution now for 

You know how many TV networks have presented the world with apps like Fox Now, HBO Now, CBS All Access, Watch Food Network, and so on, which allow complete access to the contents of their channels. 

The USP of paid-subscription only apps is that the users can save quite some money by subscribing to that channel alone which they prefer to watch, instead of buying the entire cable TV package. 

You also have the ITV Essentials and ITV Hub sort. Freemium models are also an option. 

There are apps dedicated to popular shows such as ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘America’s Got Talent’, and so on. 

Such apps are there to

  • Promote the primary TV production
  • Expand the experience of the viewers
  • Gather feedback.

Video Streaming Apps can be especially good for

  • Attracting the attention of customers easier and quicker
  • Increasing Brand Loyalty
  • Enabling Real Time User Engagement anywhere, anytime

Ideal Features for a Video Streaming App

Registration. Try to keep the process of Registration as simple as possible. 

Personal Profile. The app can be looked upon as an especially user-friendly one, if users are given options for uploading, editing, sharing, and updating their profiles. 

Geolocation. Broadcasts can be found based on the location of the user with the help of the integration with Geolocation – taking the UX a notch higher. 

Content Recommendations. Artificial Intelligence can be brought into use for Data Analysis of user choice, so that contents best suited to the tastes of the users can be recommended. 

HD Video Streaming. Today’s viewers EXPECT HD Resolution or Full HD Video Streaming. Giving the viewers what they expect can increase your chances of succeeding better in your business. 

Filtration and Search. It is good to have the Filtration option along with the Search option, in case viewers wish to filter certain content that might not be suitable for a section of people, such as children. 

Easy Subscriptions. This feature is a must-have one. This feature helps a user to know what can be coming up next, and watch it. Push Notifications are helpful, too. 

Privacy. Implementing Privacy Settings for users can be a smart idea, as users like to share their impressions with people close to them.

Sharing on Social Media. This step is good for the development of brand awareness, and attracting potential users.

Membership Plans. Free version, as well as paid membership can be offered. This can lead to better user engagement. 

How a Video Streaming App can make Money for You

One of the most important factors, this. We have seen how useful – in fact, how indispensable, too, now – video streaming apps can be in various spheres of life and livelihood; now we need to note how they can earn you money. 

There can be

  • Paid Apps
  • Freemium
  • Ads

With Paid Apps, once your application is developed and published on the play store, you charge a fixed amount of money for your app to be downloaded by users.

In the case of Freemium Apps, you can offer the app for free, but present the users with the choice of in-app purchases. A set of features can be used for free by the users, but they would be required to pay for the use of certain premium features.

In the case of the Ads model, you can make money by advertising the products and services of your clients in the app.

There is a lot that you can achieve from a video streaming app, and a lot that such an app can do for your career, and business. You just require the correct planning, and execution, for achieving the best results. The video streaming business is booming right now, and is likely to develop further. Now is the right time for you to come up with your app.

We are here to share our experience and expertise regarding video streaming apps with you, should you like some consultation – free, of course – regarding the same.

You can also get completely customized solutions related to video streaming app development from us.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on May 01, 2020

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