Addatimes is first an entertainment platform, which offers a wide range of movies, original web series, live shows and music content in multiple languages (Bengali/Hindi/Odiya).

The Challenge

  • Present the content so that even non tech users can browse and locate
  • Variation in internet speed and availability
  • Wide variation in devices
  • Android has wide version variations and vendor customizations
  • Minimizing latency during live events
  • Region specific content restriction
  • Region specific subscriptions
  • Supporting region specific gateways
  • Provide content to third party aggregators

The Solution

  • JSON API Driven portal
  • Fully customized web portal
  • Fully customized native android/ios/android TV App
  • HLS adaptive bitrate based streaming
  • CDN based content delivery with Elastic Load Balancing

Fully entertainment VOD platform

Attained a user base of almost 6 lakhs.
Live broadcast of sports events with concurrent 20k+ viewers watching Highly scalable system, with on-demand horizontal scaling strategy without human intervention.

Solution's achievement

The solution was deployed and launched in September 2016. Since then, the platform has accrued a user base of around 6 lakh users, who on average generate 40 Lakh video impressions per month, consuming content of more than 3 crore minutes.

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