Bigbadmoji is a fun app that lets users build their own avatars by manipulating the look of every body feature and then choose of the many poses available and share with friends. One can also choose one of the available captions or write own caption in a variety of cool styles. With a gallery of hilarious poses badmoji focuses on generating emoji’s which are “bad”, in the sense they are not politically correct.

The Challenge

  • Develop own unique art style to stand out from other emoji apps
  • Generate own art engine to generate a user’s avatar with various facial features
  • Develop a pose generation engine to take an artist drawn pose to make it dynamic and fit users preferences

The Solution

  • After experimenting with several art styles, our art team developed a style most suited for the naughty, mature and yet fun theme of the app
  • The development team generated own art engine which would involve customised rigging for the character ( divide the artist’s drawing into multiple layers of art which are moveable according to human anatomy)
  • Generate a posing engine which swap out image components with other compatible components according to users choices to piece back together the final generated image. A full human figure with all combinations being made up of more than 25000 pieces of art components.
  • Upon choosing of a users avatar, make a pose generation engine leveraging multi threading to generate each pose in about 0.5ms for fast delivery

The Result

Total user base of about 75,000 users across all platforms (android/iOS/Web) Currently undergoing second round of development to provide users with more art choices and components. Featured in local news.

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