Factura360 is a SAAS platform which offers electronic invoicing (CFDI), Payroll document generation and government sealing services to any business looking to generate, maintain or cancel CFDI documents recognized by the Mexican government.

The Challenge

  • Allow quick and bulk generation of documents, at speeds of 10 documents per second
  • Allow business software using any technology (.NET/Java/Python/PHP or any modern programming language) to consume the SAAS platform
  • Provide customer specific customizations
  • Provide the solution as a white labeled service

The Solution

  • Custom web service using SOAP ad REST Interface
  • Technology agonistic solution - any technology capable of consuming web service can be used
  • Data secured through advanced AES Encryption
  • Multi tenant fully white labelled and customer branded solution

Solution's features

A fully customized REST and SOAP API based web service allows Factura360 to offer electronic invoicing and payroll management, validation, export and secure storage for a technology agonistic solution.

Solution's acievement

10,000 business customers generated over 1.5 million invoice and payroll documents in the previous financial year.


The solution was deployed on Jan, 2018 since then the platform has over 30,000 business users including corporate users like Sony, Nissan and Paypal Mexico.

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