Menupulse is a restaurant directory and review system, looking to provide foodies with meaningful information regarding restaurants and menu options around them. Menupulse focuses on being different by putting stress on procuring accurate, searchable menus from restaurants, coupled with wiki like editing capabilities for users with upvoting/downvoting system for auto correction of information, as well as a facility for restaurant owners to take charge of their profiles using a free or paid pack. Restaurant owners/partners also have additional tools/benefits like a themed menu generator and other marketing tools for their restaurants. Users can post reviews and pictures to earn foodie badges, and have fun interacting about their dining experience while checking
in and out of their favourite restaurants.

The Challenge

  • Procure data for restaurants with menu options and pricing
  • Data storage and scalability
  • Presenting the data to the user in an intuitive manner quickly

The Solution

  • Over 600,000 restaurant data procured with over 3 million menu items from multiple sources, and restaurant themselves, cross referencing with online data to get the updated information
  • Using auto scaling technology to handle data volume
  • Building a custom search engine with configurable weights to various food specific search parameters, like cuisine, restaurant type, location, restaurant timing
  • Implementing phonetic search based on what a word sounds like, rather than correct spelling
  • Platform available via Web Browser, Android and iOS devices
  • Users are able to browse restaurants, check in, and provide reviews and upload pictures, and correct outdated information via the wiki system
  • Restaurant owners are able to claim their listings and be able to control their restaurant images, menu items, and pricing, and syndicate the menu as a widget for embedding in their own site.

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