How Ascentspark Can Help Clients With Implementing Digital Marketing Strategy


In our October 2020 post, ‘The Importance of Digital Marketing Strategy and Consulting’ we had discussed, at length, the subject. Here, therefore, we can touch upon certain fresh matters, and see how YOU can benefit from all the information gathered, presented, and imbibed. 

First, a quick look at

What A Digital Marketing Strategy IS. 

A plan that outlines the way/s in which your business can attain its online goals through online channels such as Search, and Social Media, is a Digital Marketing Strategy. Most of such strategies are expected to summarize the online channels, and digital marketing tactics that you can bring into use, and how much money you can invest in the same. 

Examples of Digital Marketing Strategy

  • Social Media Campaign including partnerships with influencers
  • Growth Marketing Strategy utilizing Social Media and Email to develop Customer Loyalty
  • Content Marketing Strategy using online guides for driving leads

Plus Points of Digital Marketing Strategy

The RIGHT Digital Marketing Strategy can enable your business to not only attain its goals, but also achieve beyond them. 

Brand Awareness can get a boost. Through the use of Digital Marketing, your brand can get presented before more potential customers, through

  • Social Media Platforms
  • Search Results
  • Email Inboxes

etcetera. More and more people get to know about your brand. 

Website Traffic can increase. One of the main goals of Digital Marketing is increasing the Traffic to the Website of the company. The more visitors get attracted to your site, via

  • SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing

the more

  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Conversions

can you expect. 

More Storefront Traffic can be driven. If there is a physical storefront for your business to operate, you would be wanting customers to be brought into your location. Online marketing strategies can help you to attract foot traffic. Geofencing Advertising can be of help, in such cases. As per a report, 80% of local searches convert – hence digital marketing CAN work even for a brick-and-mortar store. 

Revenue and Conversions can rise. One of the greatest objectives of any marketing strategy is to augment revenue. You can increase the sales of your company by partnering with an expert digital marketing agency, and improving the traffic of your target audience to your site, and / or store. 

What Digital Marketing Strategies your Business can Utilize

SEO / Search Engine Optimization. SEO is known to be one of the most effective digital marketing strategies of the present times. SEO aims at improving your site by directing more of your target audience to it. SEO helps your site to rank high on search engine results on the basis of phrases and keywords associated with your business. 

Why use SEO? 

SEO is no less than a requirement. Most users begin their search for a product or service through a search engine. As per reports,

  • 80% of consumers conduct product research online
  • More than 30% of searchers click on the result that appears first
  • Less than 10% of searchers move on to the second page of search results

PPC / Pay Per Click Advertising. It is a paid form of advertising where you do not pay for ad space; you pay for the results. You pay for the click every time a user clicks on your ad. 

Why use PPC?

PPC can prove to be extremely cost-effective. It can take your site to the top of search results, and prove helpful, especially if the organic search result ranking of your company is not at the top. 

Reports say,

  • Users clicking on ads can be 50% more likely to purchase the product / service
  • Businesses can earn $8 for every $1 that is invested in Google Ads

Content Marketing. The focusing of a business on reaching, engaging, and connecting with consumers through content is known as Content Marketing. Such Content can include

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Blog Posts

and more. The informational Content is meant to provide value to the users. The idea of Content Marketing is to 

  • Increase traffic
  • Generate conversions
  • Optimize Content for search engines so that your visibility in search results can improve

Why use Content Marketing?

  • Content Marketing, as per reports, can cost 60% less than traditional Marketing moves. 
  • Content Marketing can generate 50% more leads than traditional Marketing
  • More than 60% users prefer those companies which create Content

Email Marketing. The focus of Email marketing is to gain new customers, while retaining the current ones. It is great for

  • Developing Brand Awareness
  • Encouraging Repeat Purchase
  • Keeping your company on top of the mind of people

Why use Email Marketing?

More than 80% of businesses use Email Marketing. Email Marketing can create 50% more sales than the other methods of lead generation can. 

Social Media Marketing. This concentrates on increasing conversions, and developing brand awareness. Some of the popular platforms for this Internet Marketing Strategy are

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

This Strategy can also focus on advertising. Social Media Marketing aims at maintaining the reputation of your company, and increasing conversions and brand awareness. 

Why use Social Media Marketing?

  • More than 60% consumers make the use of Social Media for Customer Services
  • More than 70% shoppers make the use of Social Media while making decisions regarding purchases

Voice Search Optimization. This is one of the latest Internet Marketing Strategies that companies are adopting. The intention of Voice Search Optimization is to earn the position zero spot in Google search results for your company. The reason is that voice assistants from Amazon Echo to Siri use featured snippet for responding to voice searches. 

Why use Voice Search Optimization?

  • Voice Search is new, and gaining in popularity
  • Close to 50% people make use of Voice Search on a daily basis

Video Marketing. Your company can 

  • Expand operations
  • Increase reach
  • Grow revenue

through Video Marketing.

The videos can be

  • Instructional
  • Events
  • Announcements
  • Behind the scenes

and more. 

Video Marketing can be expected to augment conversions by more than 80%. 

Why use Video Marketing?

  • About 90% of users’ purchase decisions are influenced by videos
  • Pages that have videos have more than 50 times the chances of ranking on the first page of search results

As you can see, Digital Marketing is one of the best ways to reach your business goals. However, the success of Digital Marketing depends, largely, on Digital Marketing Strategy.

How Ascentspark Software can help

Ascentspark has always known the importance of, and acted in accordance with Digital Marketing Strategy. We, therefore, have the requisite expertise and experience that we can share with you for the benefit of your business. 

For us, every decision making is powered by 

  • Strategy
  • Technology
  • Correct Data

It is our goal to strengthen brands with such sureness as with which they can prepare to lead the future. 

We understand the Market on our strength of Data Analysis, and Industry Expertise Wisdom. We can determine substantial opportunities, and capitalize on the value proposition of clients, to realize growth. 

Our cross channel Customer Advancement plans are original, and apt. We plan upon understanding the needs of the customer, as well as the business, to come up with the most suitable Solutions.

Get in touch with us at Ascentspark Software for Digital Marketing Strategy. Let us, together, take your business to greater success.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Dec 18, 2020

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