How Video Streaming Can Help You To Affordably Improve Business And Tower Above Competition


You know Video Streaming is ‘in’ right now and the amount of development it can bring to your business. Almost every company, agency, and about 80% of digital marketers are utilizing Video Streaming for improving their ROI. Your brand has to make the most of this trend – and at the earliest, too.

Reason? Competition is rife and rising. As per a survey, above 100 hours of video get uploaded to YouTube each minute.

Almost every progressive company is making use of Video Content for every possible purpose –

  • Building a Brand
  • Selling Products / Services
  • Generating Income

and more.

What we need to discuss and decide here is HOW YOU can utilize the technology of Video Streaming best for the utmost development of your company, and ROI – despite, and defeating the Competition. Affordably.

Make The Most Of What You Have Already Spent Time, Money, And Energy On.

Use what you have at hand. You have already spent time, money, and energy on it. Moreover, a lot of research has gone into the matter to keep it correct. Turn your Blog Posts into Videos – create Video Versions of them.

This will help you to save:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Energy
  • Research
  • Manpower
  • Tension

and more. With the Blog Post there, you might not require to write a Script for the Video, or even get the facts and figures checked and re-checked.

Use your brand asset – your blog – to the fullest. Once you create videos out of the content in your blog, you can refer to your blog in the videos as a Source of the information therein – thus driving attention, traffic, and clicks to your blog afresh.

  • You can publish the Videos you create on Social Media.
  • You can also have the Videos you create embedded into your Blog Posts.

You can use the Videos created by and for your company in as many innovative ways as you can. Every idea related to utilizing Video Streaming can show you a new way to profits.

Add On To Your Video Count With Micro Videos.

Micro Videos can help you to increase

  • Clicks
  • Views
  • Subscribers

and more. Let us see HOW.

You can create a Micro Video of about 20 / 30 seconds that would tell its viewers what to expect from your channel next, and when – complete with release date, et al. A sort of Teaser Video, you know. It prepares your viewers for your upcoming Video, giving rise to

  • Hype
  • Regular engagement with viewers
  • Number of subscribers.

Micro Videos are great for Search purposes. They act as a link between your viewers and your Videos, giving people constant updates regarding what is to come up.

Every Micro Video increases your total Video Count, too – increasing the number of Clicks in the favor of your company. Micro Videos should not cost you a fortune to create, either.

Stream Your Video To The Consumers Directly.

VOD or Video On Demand is here to stay. And flourish. Do your best to utilize what you can to the fullest.

Online brands, as well as YouTube bloggers are streaming their Videos directly to the viewers by setting up OTT Channels of their own.

The Plus Points of OTT Channels:

  • They are an excellent tactic for building and boosting loyalty. OTT Channels (a) Give your viewers a reason to return to your platform to watch every new Video and (b) Give your viewers another way – such as push notifications, apps, etc. – to gaining access to your content.
  • OTT Channels enable your brand to have complete control over the content that it owns.
  • Additional Conversion and Monetization opportunities can be created if you have OTT Channels.

It might be relevant to mention here that the launch of a VOD Service would require certain technology blocks that you need to be aware of.

Creating a Video On Demand Channel can be quite affordable, though.

You can also have your very own self-hosted OTT Channel, if you have a good team to help you with it.

Live Stream And Then Video Stream Important Events For Double Benefit.

Is there any event that you believe your users would like to watch, such as


You can Live Stream the event first, and then post Videos of it. That way, you and your viewers can gain at least twice from the same event. This is a tried and tested way of keeping in touch with followers and has great potential for making your content go viral.

The idea is to make use of Video Streaming in as many tried-and-tested, as well as innovative ways as you can, as cost-efficiently as possible, and you can stay way ahead of the Competition. Know-how, experience, expertise, and dedication matter the most here. Your company CAN be the most unique, exclusive, and ROI-enriched one, despite the Competition.

How are you planning to make the most of your market, opportunities, and technology? Be you in the sphere of Entertainment, Ecommerce, or Education, you can utilize Video Streaming for marketing your business, and garnering the highest ROI.

You are most welcome to get in touch with us at Ascentspark Software for a complimentary consultation, should you want to discuss Video Streaming and how you would like it to work best for your business.

You can get totally customized solutions from us regarding video streaming, delivery, distribution, and monetization with respect to procuring the highest profits for your company.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Jan 17, 2020

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