How You Can Benefit From Modern Video Streaming


The question is not anymore of benefiting from video streaming – the development of technology that has taken every sphere, business, company, and individual by storm – but of how you can benefit from Modern Video Streaming, which, you guessed right, is a notch above. To take your profits and success several notches higher, that is.

Modern Video Streaming which is

  • Chunked
  • HTTP-based
  • Connectionless

has its own defining characteristics, and advantages. Let us see how you, and / or your IT organization can benefit from these plus points.

Improvement in Playback Experience. There are two benefits to the video playback experience that Modern Video Streaming has to offer.

  1. Compatibility with a large range of mobile devices can be made sure of with the use of HTTP, and codecs that are widely adopted – like AAC for audio, and H.264 for video.
  2. With the use of Adaptive Bitrate Streaming, it can be ensured that employees the world over receive the best playback experience – be they in the field, where they are consuming media through a 4G network, or stationed at their desks, on gigabit ethernet.

Improvement in Scalability. The moment your organization invests in a modern protocol, the underlying network presents scalability as a benefit that is inherent. On the other hand, when it comes to legacy protocols such as RTMP, scalability can only be achieved when specialized hardware and software are invested in, additionally. The reason why HTTP is looked upon as the ideal choice for streaming on-demand content that is accessed frequently, and also for the streaming of live events that are large scale, is that HTTP servers are everywhere; and the protocol has a native support for edge caching, and mirroring.

Reduction in Costs. Organizations can save money (that could otherwise have been spent on specialized software, and hardware) when protocols like the HLS leverage the HTTP server network that is present. HTTP caching proxies can reduce the cost of bandwidth that is related to uncached video to a great extent, with the augmentation in the use of video.

Reduction in Management Complexity. Modern Video Streaming removes the necessity to deploy, and manage an individual caching infrastructure by enabling businesses to consolidate the traffic of video network to HTTP, with the use of TCP ports 80, and 443. By helping the video content to traverse firewalls, modern video streaming can enhance the manageability at the edge of the network. Port restriction, and protocol are brought into use to some extent in the case of most corporate networks, for the minimization of attack surface area. Ports 80 and 443 can be open almost always, for generic web traffic to flow; but legacy protocols such as RTSP and RTMP might not get to enjoy this treatment all the time.

The benefits of Modern Video Streaming, as evident to you, are considerable. In case you wish your company to gain from them and reach a higher level of development, you can get in touch with us at Ascentspark Software for a free consultation on video streaming.

You can also get solutions – completely customized – regarding video streaming, delivery, and monetization from us.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Nov 29, 2019

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