Introducing The Importance Of Digital Marketing Strategy And Consulting To You


By now, Digital Marketing has become a ‘household term’ in the echelons of business. Especially now, when Social Distancing has become a ‘household term’ and situation, too, and most of the world is being compelled to Stay Home, and Stay Safe indoors, to prevent the Coronavirus Pandemic from spreading any further, and causing more damage. Going Digital is the norm, and so has Digital Marketing become – all the more – ever since its inception.

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital Marketing stands for advertisement that gets delivered via digital channels such as

  • Websites
  • Search Engines
  • Mobile Apps
  • Social Media
  • Email

Companies endorse their brands, services, and goods through the use of these online media channels. 

What Are The Advantages Of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing can enable you to establish your presence, online, authoritatively. 

As per a report, close to 90% of marketers opine that methods like SEO and PPC are not just successful, they can augment brand awareness to close to 90%. 

The reasons why Digital Marketing is important are:

You reach people online where most of their time is spent, so that you can present your services / products where most people are searching for them. You can reach more leads which want to purchase your products, or services. 

Your rival businesses must already be into Digital Marketing, and you do not want to lose traffic to them. 

You can reach your target audience and reach leads that can be genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

Your campaigns can be monitored and optimized for optimum results, as every campaign is trackable. The ROI of a campaign can also be tracked. Metrics like

  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Likes 
  • Conversions 

can be seen. When the performance of a campaign can be tracked, fixing it can get easier. 

The ROI you get is good, as using online methods can be very cost effective. 

These are just some of the plus points of Digital Marketing, strong enough to give you a clear idea of the importance it has. However, Digital Marketing, without a proper Strategy, might not prove to be as effective as you would like to adopt it for. For the true potential of Digital Marketing to be achieved, strategies that make an impact via Engagement Marketing need to be drawn from the cross-channel world of today, that has its own intricacies that need to be considered. 

Digital Marketing Has Its Own Challenges

Digital Marketing can be extremely helpful, no doubt, but one of its challenges is the plan for Digital Marketing, and WHERE you can START drawing it. You might await a massive report for that, or decide on Lean Planning.

The massive scale, and scope of Digital Marketing can prove to be one more of its challenges. Every Digital Marketing technique houses several detailed tactics within that need to be wisely evaluated, and prioritized, in order to reach for success.  

What Can Happen If You Have No Digital Marketing Strategy?

Your hard work, money, and time might stay directionless. You might not be having a clear strategic GOAL as to what exactly you want to attain online – for example, do you want to attract new customers, or do you want to retain the ones you already have? Not having a clear goal can mean that you do not employ enough resources to reach that goal; neither do you try to find out, through analytics, how far you have been reaching that goal. 

You might not know your Market Share, or Online Audience. With a Digital Marketing Strategy in place, you can find out how you can tap into the intent of searchers and get them to come to your site, or find out how many people you can reach through a social media channel.

You might lose Market Share to your competitors. If your approach is ad hoc, and you have no clearly defined Digital Marketing Strategy, your competitors who do will rise above you by gaining way more Market Share. 

You might not have a strong Online Value Proposition. Having a clearly defined Online Customer Value Proposition tailor-made for your customer personas can help you to differentiate your service, and encourage present and new customers to engage, and remain loyal. To achieve this end, you need to develop a Competitive Content Marketing Strategy. Content can engage the audience through channels such as

  • Search
  • Blog
  • Email Marketing
  • Social.

You might not get to know your Online Customers well. You might not be able to find out what your visitors think. You might not be able to know your weak points, and address them. 

You might not be Optimizing. A thorough Digital Marketing Strategy can enable you to get the basics right. Once this is done, you can improve on key aspects, like

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Marketing
  • Email
  • Site User Experience 

and so on. 

Ways a Digital Marketing Strategy can Help Your Business

A Digital Marketing Strategy is a very important tool for business. It can help you find out what it is that can make your business stand out among others, and how you can utilize a number of channels to convey your message to your audience. New opportunities can get revealed to you. Your reach can expand. 

It has been reported that those companies that have a clear Digital Marketing Strategy, and that measure their efforts on a regular basis, can witness a growth 60% faster than the companies that do not have any Digital Marketing Plan in place. 

Plus Points of a Digital Marketing Strategy

  • You can connect with mobile customers
  • Your brand can get a wider reach
  • Your brand can get a higher exposure
  • You can get a quick method for building your brand
  • You can engage better with the target audience
  • You can have a cost-effective way for marketing your brand
  • You can have a more effective and more easy Marketing Measurement
  • Your business can have more growth options

A good Digital Marketing Strategy does not restrict itself to SEO and Ad-words alone. Instead of targeting the entire wide digital population, a sound Digital Marketing Strategy finds the niche market, to focus on drawing as many people as possible from that particular segment of the digital sphere. After all, connecting with the right audience is one of the biggest advantages that Digital Marketing has, over traditional marketing. 

How Digital Marketing Consulting Can Help

To begin with, a Digital Marketing Consultant would be having a thorough, and up-to-date knowledge of Digital Marketing, and can help you to formulate the right Digital Marketing Strategy for your business. 

A Digital Marketing Consultant can help you with

Researching on your Rivals. An E-marketing consultant can give you a fair idea of the market and competition, helping you to identify errors, and ways that they can get eliminated. 

Designing Marketing Campaigns. Unique, focused, and attractive marketing campaigns can cause conversions. 

Precise Message Communication. Expert Internet Marketing Consultants can identify, and target the niche audience for you, and convey your marketing message to them with laser-like precision. As a result, conversion can take place. 

Developing Digital Marketing Dominance. A consultant, by defining a coherent Digital Marketing Strategy, can maximize your reach on the basis of presenting a unique Brand Value to your customers. 

Discovering Perceived Value. The first thing that a customer thinks of your product upon seeing it for the first time is the Perceived Value. A Digital Marketing Consultant can give you a fair idea of what that Perceived Value might be. If the Perceived Value or visual appeal needs improvement, a Consultant can suggest redesigning. 

Integrated Marketing. Integrating the online and offline marketing campaigns can enable you to achieve the business objectives that you harbor, and augment your ROI in online as well as offline channels. A Consultant can guide you on gaining the combined benefits. 

Readying for Changes. There might be changes taking place in your industry that you need to be aware of, and ready for. A Consultant can design your Digital Marketing Strategy such that you are equipped for facing the change. 

Saving Resources, Time, Talent. If your Digital Marketing Strategy is not clearly defined, you might be wasting a considerable amount of resources, time, and talent, working somewhat undecidedly, and aimlessly, when the best ROI might be got from focusing on certain specific areas and channels. A Consultant can assist you in working towards this goal. 

Continuing to Improve. Business needs to improve continuously, by adopting fresh thinking and new technologies, so that it can remain competitive. Marketing data can enable your business to gain insights on which the review of analytics, and specific decisions can be based. A Consultant can guide you in managing and optimizing the approach that you have towards reaching your goal.

Creating Trends. A Consultant can help you with creating trends in the niche where you are. Big companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, etc. are famed for having excellent Internet Marketing Advertising. 

A business cannot expand till it generates conversions, and Digital Marketing Strategy plays a vital role in your business. An equally vital role is that of the Consultant – the Digital Marketing Specialist, that is. 

We, at Ascentspark Software have always understood the importance of Digital Marketing Strategy, implementing it throughout our journey of several years towards greater expertise, and experiences. We now want to share our knowledge, information, and skills with you, by introducing our Digital Marketing Strategy And Consulting Service, so that, together, we can take businesses, and the Economy to better, more stable positions, and defeat the Economic Slowdown, as we try to defeat the COVID-19 Pandemic and its adverse effects, along with the rest of the world. 

Let us work towards meeting the future with confidence, by ensuring the sustenance of business growth. 

You are most welcome to contact us.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Oct 20, 2020

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