How Our Paid Media Services Can Help Your Business Develop Better


You must be hearing a lot about Paid Media these days, and, perhaps, wondering which Paid Media Service can be the most suitable for the development of your business. The information here might help you with arriving at the right decision. 

Know what Paid Media IS

Paid Media is a very important component of online businesses. It can be greatly instrumental in bringing about brand awareness, and revenue growth. 

Paid Media refers to marketing efforts involving paid placements.

  • Display Ads
  • PPC / Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Branded Content

are included under the umbrella of Paid Media. 

Know what is there other than Paid Media

There are three kinds of Media – Owned, Earned, Paid.

Owned Media – This can be something that is under your control, such as a blog, a website, or any other web entity. 

Earned Media – Social Media Comments, or Reviews can be classified as Earned Media. Earned Media is content which travels across the web, organically, on the basis of its inherent value, and popularity. Earned Media is also known as Organic Media

Paid Media – In the case of Paid Media, you have to make a certain payment to a third party for broadcasting your message to others. Paid Media is somewhat close to Traditional Marketing. 

However, Cross-channel Marketing seems to be blurring the lines separating Owned, Earned, and Paid Media. 

Know what the plus points of Paid Media are

  • Paid Media can be one of the fastest ways of driving traffic
  • The results of Paid Content can be easier to track than the results of Organic Content
  • Paid Media can open several doors that could have remained closed otherwise
  • Your Content, even if it is paid for, will be likely to get clicks. This can lead to your Content EARNING clicks, and followers, too, in future
  • Paid Promotion can help you make sure that your Content reaches the right influencers upon getting picked up, and shared around 
  • You can get statistics from Social Media on the number of Impressions, Clicks, and Leads received by your Paid Content
  • Paid Media can work alongside Owned and Earned Media to help your business growth

Know how Paid Media can be used on Social Media Platforms


  • Carousel Ads
  • DPA / Dynamic Product Ads


  • Driving awareness for your business
  • Driving an action


  • Story Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Photo Ads

Influencer Marketing

This trend of using a thought leader, or a social figure to promote one’s brand before his / her followers is gaining in popularity. 

Know what to EXPECT from Paid Media

Since Paid Media involves payment, one thing you have every right to expect is YOUR MONEY’S WORTH of results, services, and / or solutions. In other words, Paid Media Services, that are ROI focused.

Know how the Paid Media Services of Ascentspark Software can help your business develop better

The PPC Management Services of Ascentspark Software are ROI focused. 

At Ascentspark, our basic aim is to manage PPC the ROI focused way, so that every penny spent gets the greatest chance of being utilized to the utmost. Since we know our craft and the market well, we can secure steady and significant synergy across channels, with new, as well as potential customers.

Paid Search – We look at every business as a unique identity, and a unique responsibility. In order to systematize the best possible results for our clients, we devise

  • Bespoke Approaches
  • Strategies

as well as

  • Tools. 

The basis of our approach are repeatable, verified best practices.

Display – We are well aware of how Consumer Behavior can get affected by

  • Data
  • Messaging
  • Inventory

and our Display Methodologies are embedded in this knowledge and understanding that we possess. At Ascentspark, client data is layered with third party data for developing qualified audiences, choosing media sources, and building creative which can inspire engagement from awareness through conversion. The outstanding results delivered by us are brought about by the development of programs incorporating Measurement, and Science of Data, with the aid of Real-time Targeting, Presenting, and Management of Advertisements – on videos, traditional or native banners, or mobiles.

Marketplaces – We focus on the infallible opportunities across verticals, development of Content, optimization, advertising, and strategy for the growth of the channel. 

Our intention, endeavor, and presence are to enable retailers, and brands, to operate expertly, as strategic partners, in order to incorporate marketplaces into the comprehensive channel, and the media mix of every client.

There are PPC Management Services, and Paid Media Services. We have introduced ours, though, to bring about a certain level of result, focusing on ROI. Get in touch with us to know what difference can be made to your business growth. 

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, News, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Dec 11, 2020

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