Ways An Audio And Video Conferencing Solution Can Benefit You


People of your organization are working from home, and you need to address all – or many – of them urgently for an important matter that cannot, entirely, be carried out through mail.

You need to meet a client. The only trouble is, one of you is away from the town or country where the other is, and it can take days for you to sit face to face to discuss the matter.

The school or college is closed, and your students desperately need some revision sessions with you.

An Audio and Video Conferencing Solution can help you in all the above – and more – situations by enabling you to have your meetings / conferences / discussions etc. over the internet, with the effect of ‘virtually’ being face to face with the people you are interacting with. 

You need not be in the same room, office, city, state, or even country to be able to sit ‘face to face’, speaking to each other, at the shortest of notices, through almost any good or bad weather, anytime in the day or night – thanks to Audio and Video Conferencing Solutions.

What is Audio Conference? 

Audio Conference is a process where two or more people who are at different locations make the use of technology such as a conference bridge for holding an audio call. An Audio Conference is not the same as a phone call. In the case of an Audio Conference, every participant dials into a central system. The central system connects the participants. There can be certain online collaboration elements with some Audio Conferencing products, such as screen-sharing capabilities. These can improve the effectiveness of such virtual meetings. 

Security of Audio Conference

Often, Audio Conferences have a unique dial in code, apart from the phone number, so that people who cannot use the code cannot join the conference. Some conference systems can even be having individualized audio pins that can identify each specific user, so as to identify the participants of the Audio Conference. 

Kinds of Audio Conference

There are two kinds of Audio Conferencing Systems.

  1. Point To Point. In this kind of system, two people at different places can communicate, and collaborate.
  2. Multipoint. In this type of system, three or more persons at different places can communicate and collaborate. 

Requirements for Audio Conference

In order to have an Audio Conference conducted, all the participants need to have

  1. A fast internet / data connection
  2. Speakers / microphones on the phones used for the conferencing
  3. Conferencing Software installed in the phones / computers.

Plus Points of Audio Conference

  • Saves time, money, travel, etcetera.
  • Accessible
  • Easy to set up
  • Not too expensive
  • Can enable people to create a web collaboration session 
  • Calls can get recorded for future reference

and more.

What is Video Conference?

Video Conferencing enables two or more people, at different locations, to communicate with each other in real time, during which they can see each other, too. Often, the participants can also share information such as a presentation, or a document, during a Video Conference. 

In some cases, there can be a limitless number of people who can join a Video Conference.

Organizations where Video Conferencing can prove especially Useful

Governments. Video Conferencing can enable government agencies to discuss matters in times of crisis, to review the budget, etc. 

Healthcare Providers. Video Conferencing can enable healthcare providers with telemedicine. Patients need not visit the doctor each time they feel unwell. They can, instead, have a video appointment scheduled with their provider. They can give their provider their history, and symptom reviews to diagnose, with accuracy, what the problem might be. Other members belonging to the care team of a patient can also be communicated with by the healthcare provider via Video Conference. 

Businesses. Reportedly, more than 40% of people work remotely in today’s times. Video Conferencing enables companies to keep in touch with all their employees who work from different places. It also enables companies to employ people who might be living far away from the office, or even the city where the office is. 

Courts and Lawyers. Video Conferencing can be used by the court to hear the testimony of a person for whom being physically present at the court is not possible. Attorneys can use Video Conferencing for taking deposition, or for the purpose of communicating with other lawyers. 

Education Providers. Video Conferencing can be used by teachers to have meetings with students. Classes can be made available to a larger number of students from various places, through Video Conference. A course can be conducted virtually, where students can log in to watch the lectures of the educator/s, and participate in discussions. 

Why Video Conferencing should be Used

There can always be found a good reason to use Video Conferencing, no matter what your career, job, or organization be. 

  1. Facilitation of Communication. Screening a candidate over a phone or video call can save a company a lot of time, and even money, if the company is paying for the candidate’s transport to the interview. In the first couple of rounds of the interview, a video conference can prove to be just the right way to check if the candidate can proceed any further.
  2. Connection with Employees and Clients. Video Conferencing can be a great way for connecting with employees who are working from home, or not present at the office for whichever reason. It can be a very effective way to have all the participants in a meeting ‘virtually’ together for a Video Conference, where they can see each other, have eye contact with the least of distractions around, and communicate clearly, and effectively. The same applies to meetings with clients. 
  3. Provision for Improved Service. A Video Conference can often prove to be more economical, and safe, than having an in-person meeting. For example, it can save a company a significant amount of money to hold a Video Conference rather than to have people travel to or from different cities, states, or countries, for the purpose. A doctor, too, can see a patient through a Video Conference to get a preliminary idea of what might be the case, instead of a patient having to visit the doctor every time, especially when travelling might not be safe for him / her. 
  4. Access to a Wider Audience. More people can access learning through Video Conferencing. Educational institutions can create MOOCs or Massive Online Open Courses for students from the world over to join. Teachers, professors, lecturers can record lessons that learners can either watch live, or at a time suitable for them. 

Plus Points of Video Conferencing

It can save you money. Setting up an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution certainly costs money, but it can save your company money, in the long run. In fact, it can even help your company MAKE MONEY. 

  • Your company can save money on having people transported to / from other cities / states / countries, and on organizing their stay, for the sake of conferences being attended. 
  • Your company can save money on having interviewees transported to your office for screening.
  • Your company can save money on visiting / transporting clients for meetings / discussions.

There can be many other ways in which this solution can enable your company to save, or make money.

It can save you time. Organizing a conference, or even a meeting, between two or more people can often be a challenge. Especially if they are at places far away from each other. If they need to meet face to face for a discussion, or a sharing of certain documents, a certain amount of time has to be allowed for travel. This period of time can get protracted in accordance with the distance that is to be traversed. The greater the number of people involved, the bigger can the challenge of having them all together for a meet, be. The longer can the arrangements take, too. With an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution in place, however, you can have urgent conferences taking place within just a few hours, if not minutes. Imagine the amount of time that you can save when time can often mean lives, or money. 

It can offer you more flexibility. When you go for a Video Conference, it does not matter where the participants are located. This offers each one involved more flexibility, freedom, comfort, and convenience. All these aspects can lead to better results. A presentation given can be recorded for the benefit of the ones who could not ‘attend’ the live occasion.

It can bridge distances. The applicant pool of your company can widen. You can hire people from almost anywhere, instead of keeping your selection confined to only those candidates who live physically close to your office. With a Video Conferencing facility, you can screen candidates from the world over, so to say, and employ highly qualified people from almost anywhere, without having to pay them for travelling to your office for an interview, or even for working there. People can work remotely, and communicate and collaborate through Audio / Video Conferencing, as and when required. 

These are but just a few ways in which you can be benefited by an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution. There can be n number of ways that you can utilize an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution, and if you get yourself a customized one, things can get even better.

Want to know how you, in particular, can benefit from an Audio and Video Conferencing Solution? You are most welcome to get in touch with us with your queries, doubts, if any, and ideas, on the matter. We would be happy to share our experience and expertise with you, in a completely free of charge consultation. 

We can also provide you with customized software solutions.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Sep 04, 2020

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