Why You Need To Make The Most Of A Live Chat System Right Now


The times that we are in, currently, are challenging, to say the least. Most of us are in the Lockdown situation, trying to protect ourselves, and thereby, our world, from the Coronavirus Threat that is looming large over our heads, in the outside air. 

Does that mean that the world stops functioning? Not at all. We just need to find solutions to the problems that we are being faced with. 

Doctors, nurses, and most people associated with this field of operation are on duty. The people in charge – the Leaders, the Army, the Navy, the Police -- of our country, and every other country in this world, are working. In the sphere of Education, E-learning and Video Streaming have come to the rescue during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant Lockdowns. People are working from home with the aid of technology, to keep operations progressing despite the odds. In the case of Entertainment, too, we have Video Streaming doing its best. E-commerce, in its turn, has its own solutions ready, as well – and the Live Chat System can prove to be a vital one, in this range. 

The reasons why you should get a Live Chat System for yourself immediately – if you are not having or organizing one for yourself already, that is – are many. Let us look at some of the vital ones, here.

You Can Gain A Major Competitive Advantage

Observe. On how many websites do you find the option of a Live Chat? Even if you do, how many of those Live Chats are actually Online, and Active? For 24/7?

As per a report, surveying about 1000 websites it was found that less than 10% of them employ Live Chat to give Real Time Support to customers.

There you are. If you can have in place a Live Chat option that stays Active, Online, 24/7, you can gain a major competitive advantage over your competitors. 

Live Chat is still new. The reason why many businesses have not started using it yet. If you can add it to your website, it can become integral to the identity of your brand. Creating leads and having them converted to steadfast customers can simply follow. You can engage visitors, and turn them into loyal customers, by making more sales, simply by having the Live Chat option in place. Millennials prefer Live Chats, so it can be a good idea to win them – and their Spending Power – over, at the earliest. 

Distinguish your company from the others with Live Chat. Gain more business. Live Chat is famed for being able to augment order value, along with improving the development of customer relationships. 

You Can Present Your Customers With Convenience 

Convenience is important to most of us. Especially in times that are not exactly the ideal, such as the present Lockdown ones at most places. Presenting your customers with some convenience, therefore, could be more appreciated than ever. A Live Chat can be convenient for your customers for various reasons.

  • A Live Chat can address customer queries promptly. The customer does not need to dial a number, and then keep pressing buttons to finally speak to an agent, or get a response.
  • Purchase-related queries can get responses instantly. Nearly 50% of customers believe that one of the best features that a website can offer is the provision for speaking to an agent during an online purchase. This helps customers with making the correct buying decisions. In fact, they might even get led to buying more than they had planned to be. 
  • The conversation with a customer can be saved. This helps when previous conversations need to be referred to, or even in the case of Data Collection. 
  • With a Live Chat, customers can have the advantage of being able to multi-task. In fact, more than 50% of customers prefer Live Chat precisely for this reason. In times such as these when most of us are working from home and multitasking anyway, being able to multitask while on a Live Chat can be a huge relief. 

You Can Increase Your Sales With Live Chat

Sales, more than being about simply selling products or services, is about the development of trust and goodwill, and the exchange of information related to what a customer may want, and what you are capable of offering. 

Live Chat can most certainly boost online sales. People like to make purchases from websites having Live Chat simply because more than 80% of consumers can require some type of support while they are at an online transaction. 

If you have Live Chat available 24/7, you can hardly lose any sales opportunity, ever. 

Did you know that as per a report, more than 40% of US consumers were likely to move away from a website even while in the middle of an online transaction, if they had nobody to respond to their concerns, and queries?

There is another report informing that about 80% of consumers like speaking to a real person before they make an online purchase.

Having at least one agent present for Live Chat at all times can be a wise thing to do. 

You Can Maximize Productivity With Live Chat

Your business or company can succeed better when you can maximize productivity. Live Chat can help you with that. 

Live Chat can provide customer support of a high quality. If you use this for the analysis of the effectiveness of your team, the customer feedback that you get can be extremely valuable. 

As per a research report, in an average case of a Live Chat, a customer query is responded to by an agent in less than 25 seconds. An average resolution time, therefore, is not usually more than 45 seconds. That is saving a lot of time. This time saved is both for you, and your customers

If you compare the average resolution time of a Live Chat with the average time that some top retailers take to respond to the Email that they receive, or the first call response times, or even the social media response times, you can note a vast difference there. Which means you can save just so much of time. 

On an average, a single Live Chat Agent can close above 60 customer tickets in 60 minutes. Now you see why Live Chat is said to be the best approach when it comes to Customer Services.

Saving time can be directly connected to maximizing productivity.

You Can Save Money With Live Chat

If you are thinking of a cost-effective customer service solution for your business, think Live Chat. 

For years together, the phone, and later, the Email, have been customer support mainstays; did you know that Live Chat tools can be cheaper to implement, in comparison? Live Chat also offers a number of other benefits. 

When Live Chat

  • Offers real time customer service
  • Gives the chance to address multiple queries at one time
  • Saves time
  • Saves labor

it ultimately saves a considerable amount of money for your company, too.

You Can Have The Reports And Analytics Advantage With Live Chat

Live Chat can enable you to get all custom reports, and chat histories of all agents in your employment. 

Such data can help you to know

  • The number of visitors to your site/s
  • The number of chat requests that have been accepted or ignored
  • Other visitor metrics

With such information, you can come up with more informed, and improved marketing strategies for drawing higher traffic.

Let us look at certain reports related to Live Chat, now:

  • The American Marketing Association had found that B2B companies that use Live Chat see a 20% augmentation in conversions, on an average.
  • 35% more people were found to make an online purchase, upon using Live Chat.
  • 90% of consumers gain confidence upon seeing a Live Chat button. They feel reassured that help shall be at hand in case they require it. This helps you to build trust with website visitors.
  • As per a customer survey benchmark, with 73%, Live Chat had scored the greatest satisfaction levels that any customer service channel had scored. Email had scored about 61% in this matter, and phone, 44%.
  • More than 60% of consumers can be expected to return to a website that offers a Live Chat. 
  • About 60% of customers can abandon their purchases if their queries cannot receive prompt answers. 
  • Live Chat customer service can be from 17 to 30 per cent cheaper than phone calls.
  • 50% of the customers visiting your site on a mobile device expect to find Live Chat there.
  • In the next few months, Live Chat is expected to grow by more than 85%.
  • Live Chat can lead to about 50% more revenue every Chat hour. 
  • Live Chat can increase conversion rate by 40%.

Live Chat is known to be the leading Digital Contact Method of the current times. 

  • About 50% of customers prefer Live Chat for communication with a website
  • Less than 30% people prefer to communicate through Email
  • Less than 20% people prefer to communicate via social media.

Do you realize why it can be best for you to make the most of Live Chat, NOW?

Friendly Tips:

To give your customers the best results from your Live Chat option, you can include an upfront message, like: ‘We usually respond to Chats within a minute’ – so that the customers know, even before the Chat begins, that they shall not have to wait for long. You can create alerts, too, for a Chat to get assigned, automatically, to an agent who is free, so that the customer is not kept waiting. 

To improve customer satisfaction, you can send an Email for follow up – with a transcript of the Chat session – once the Chat has ended.

There are a lot of ways that you can utilize a Live Chat System, and you are absolutely welcome here for a complimentary consultation to find out how you can make the best use of a Live Chat System for the betterment of your business, right NOW.

Of course, you are most welcome to get in touch with us for customized solutions related to a Live Chat System, too.

Posted in Android, Articles, iOS, Mobile App Development, PHP, Programming, Web Development on Apr 24, 2020

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